Author Topic: 50 Small Business Ideas Bangladesh Based for 2019  (Read 3300 times)


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50 Small Business Ideas Bangladesh Based for 2019
« on: July 02, 2019, 10:20:48 AM »
50 Small Business Ideas Bangladesh Based for 2019

Fashion House
At the present time, the fashion house business is a very suitable business in Bangladesh. Before starting a fashion house business you should do some plan. A perfect business plan is required to start this profitable business in Bangladesh. Like super shop business, the minimum investment is 1000000 (10 Lack) BDT. Location is the key to success in this business. You can also run an online shop too.

Baby and Mother’s Product Business
This is not an easy business looks like. You have to study before the start. The products are very sensitive. Near the hospital, a largely residential area is the perfect location to start this business. It is very profitable small business ideas Bangladesh Based.

Open a Toy Shop
The toy industry is new in Bangladesh. Most of the toys are coming from China. You have to buy them in wholesale from Dhaka and Chittagong where the price is reasonable. Before starting a toy shop in Bangladesh, you have to analysis the market. One thing you have to keep in mind that toys are not for all class of people. So you have to make a perfect business plan for the toy shop. Again, location is important.

Stationery Shops for Students
Let’s introduce another small profitable business idea in Bangladesh. It is a local business idea but very profitable. A stationary shop is the best option while your investment is low. Besides school, college, the university is the perfect location to start.

Fast Food Shop Business in Bangladesh
Ahh! This is one of my most favorite business idea on this list. Most of the young entrepreneurs in Bangladesh are interested in this profitable business. Especially, in the big cities like Dhaka, Chittagong is the place where you can start a fast food shop business. Good service and location is the key to success. I think the minimum investment is around 5 to 7 lack BDT.

Coffee Shop Business
A small coffee shop business is best to own business idea. In Bangladesh, there is a few coffee shops who are only selling coffee. If you want to start your own business for a long time then you can choose this business. Notably, a business plan you have to make was no option to do mistakes. Personally, I know a guy who was unsuccessful in this business due to location. A commercial area, near the park, the shopping mall is a suitable place to start a coffee shop business. Must read: 5 Real Challenges of Starting a Coffee Shop in Bangladesh

Mobile Phone Selling Shop
This would be another opportunity to start own business in Bangladesh. Online advertising or online version of your shop can increase sales.

Small Scale Restaurant Business
The restaurant business is one of the trending business ideas in Bangladesh. But, the main fact is, 80% of the restaurant is losing their investment. On the other hand, less 20% restaurant is making a big amount of profit. So before thinking about this business, you have to make a perfect business plan. You must find out your strength and weakness. In this business ideas list, it is one of the most profitable idea, but also challenging.

Barber or salon shop business in Bangladesh
This is an evergreen business idea while you are doing another business. You can take the salon business as a part-time business also. Creativity, marketing, and good behavior is the key to success in a new salon business in Bangladesh. There are lots of salons are available in a single area. You have to find out why customers will come to your salon. Is there any specialty?

Cosmetics shop for girls
The cosmetics industry is fast growing in Bangladesh rather than any other business. Mainly the girls are the main customers for this business. Almost all the girls are used to by using any cosmetics item. Around 35% to 40% or more can be earned from this business. You can open an online cosmetics shop also to make more sales.

A fixed price shop for men’s products
Fixed price shop is always a profitable business. When you targeted customers all are men then you have to keep all the men’s products. From saving foam to shoes will be your products.

An Ice-cream shop
A good business location, quality of ice-cream, the good decoration is the three principles in this business. Indeed, an ice-cream shop is a profitable business idea.

Start an Aquarium Shop Business in Bangladesh
Generally, your customers are rich enough because they want to buy an aquarium. The quality-full aquarium you have to display. This is a slow business rather than other businesses but still very profitable. Again, the location and services are the keys to success.

Used Products Buy and Sell
This is another low-cost business ideas in Bangladesh as well as in the world too. The business is simple, you will buy used products and make some repair and sell it to another customer. For example, a mobile phone, laptop, computers, TV is the products for this business. Online advertising is the option to buy or sell. A good amount of money can be earned easily if you are a hard worker.

Open a Juice Bar
The juice bar is a profitable idea to start your own business. At the starting time, you need around 7 to 8 lack to start.

Electronic Products Selling Shop Business in Bangladesh
This business is the most trending and lucrative business ideas now in Bangladesh. Like other shop’s business location is the key fact. You can apply for big companies’ dealership and that would be great to start. Read: Best Electronics Based Business Ideas for Bangladesh

Here are the top 10 Farming Business Ideas in Bangladesh to start your own business.
Poultry farming business in Bangladesh for eggs.
If you want to start a farming business then why not poultry farm for eggs production? Layer poultry farming business is one of the old business but profitable too. In fact, one of the most successful business industry in Bangladesh. In recent time, farmers are getting low profit due to poultry feed cost. There is a solution, you have to make one feeds for your hens.  This method will increase your profit.

Broiler Poultry farming business 
Whenever we go to eat for chicken fry the broiler hens are there. It is a profitable business in cities and also countryside area in Bangladesh. If you want to make more profit then you have to make feed for your farm by keeping food quality.

Duck Farming Business in Bangladesh
Duck’s eggs are more demandable then hens eggs. To start a duck farming business you need to have a pond or any free water source. If you have a small pond then you can start is comfortable. Combining fish and duck is a very profitable idea to start a new business Bangladesh.

Dairy farming business in Bangladesh
In the farming business, the dairy farm would be the number one business. This is a long-term business. In fact, you can run your dairy farm as a side business too. Before starting a dairy farm you should make a business plan. You can earn more than 500 BDT from two cows by selling milk. The cattle are the bonus income in the dairy farming business.

Goat Farming Business
Surely, this is a very profitable small business ideas Bangladesh based. It requires less hard work but a good return of profit. The demand for goat’s meats is always high in Bangladesh. Indeed, it would be your next new business.

Fish Farming Business in Bangladesh
This is another lucrative business idea to start your own business in Bangladesh. There is a huge demand for fish in the local and national market. If you want to start a side business, then a fish farming business is a good option. There you don’t need to invest a big amount of money to start.

Fish and Duck in the same place.
Combining duck and fish farming business is a very good business to start in Bangladesh. It will reduce fish feed cost and your business will be profitable. There are lots of people doing this in Bangladesh. Women, young businessman or beginners can be operated with minimum effort.

Vegetable farming business
If you want to start your own business with small capital in Bangladesh then there this is vegetable farming. Every small starting is the steps of big industry. If you can supply your vegetable in a super shop then that would be great. Besides, there is a huge demand for vegetables in the local markets too. So there you don’t need to worry about the selling process.

Start Bee farming business in Bangladesh
Honey is the things that are always a valuable food item. Before starting the commercial bee farm you have to need to get well training. This is a small business where investment is low but the return is good.

Here is some other exclusive profitable small business Bangladesh Based.
Furniture Shop
Today furniture is the most increasing industry in Bangladesh. At the beginning, you need to invest a good amount and then you’ll earn a good return. You can sell your furniture online. Online advertising is a good way to market your furniture.

Mobile Food Cart
Personally, I loved this business. It is another small-scale business opportunity in Bangladesh. Before starting this business try to get permission from your local authority.

Bicycle Shop
In the present time, the bicycle business is most profitable. You can buy it from a company or can sell their bicycle. This business is so good while you are doing another one.

Be an Insurance Agent
Insurance selling business or insurance agent is my most favorite business on this list. Because you will earn money from one sale for up to 15 years. For example, you sold an insurance today, then you will get commission until the maturity of that insurance. This is like tree plantation. I think becoming an insurance agent is the best passive income way in Bangladesh.

Business Plan Writing
To be sure the business plan writing business is very unique in Bangladesh. If you have vast knowledge in every business sector then you can sell your business plan. This is creative ways to make money in Bangladesh but needs hard work.

Provide lunch in the corporate office
Homemade lunch providing in the corporate office is a great small business idea Bangladesh Based. Before starting you have to make the menu and ensure that you can provide good quality foods. Young business mined people, students, women can start this business very comfortably.

Online Shop or E-commerce business
E-commerce business is one of the profitable business ideas but there needs lots of hard work. The main advantage of this business is you can run this business from home also. In Bangladesh there are more than 9000 e-commerce websites and more than 15000 F-commerce pages are doing business.

Make a YouTube Channel earn money from Bangladesh
If you are good in video editing, you can open your own YouTube Channel. Of course, it is a money making project but never use others video. Try to make your own content because YouTube is clever than us.

Social Media Manager
Surely, this is the golden period for Bangladesh online revolution. Many companies are looking for a social media manager. You can start this business without investment. But you need an online advertisement to get customers.

Monetize your website with Google AdSense
If you have a website where you are getting lots of visitors then you can monetarize your site with Google AdSense. Google AdSense is a revenue sharing project where you can earn safe, limitless and secure money by monetizing your website.

Online Newspaper business
This is a short time business idea. You can start with a very little amount of money. The business plan is simple. You will but domain, hosting, provide content, make a viral Facebook page and try to sell all the things.

T-shirt Business
This is an attire that all class people love. T-shirt Business is a low-cost business ideas in Bangladesh. If you have a unique design, know your customers demand then you will succeed.

Small Scale Sports Products Manufacturing Business
Bangladesh is a sports crazy nation. You can start small scale sports products manufacturing business. Like Sports Jersey, Cap, Sports pants, etc.

Leather belt Manufacturing Business
Among all the manufacturing business ideas this is the most profitable business in Bangladesh. In fact, investment is lower than in other manufacturing businesses.

Small Scale Garments Business in Bangladesh
Try to work to fulfill local markets demand. A small-scale Garments is an obviously profitable business but before starting make a business plan. Try to find out your strength and weakness for this business.

Start Photography
Photography is an art. This is not only a hobby. You can earn a lot’s of money as a professional photographer. In Bangladesh, a wedding photographer is in very demand. You can open your business by running a Free Facebook page. Upload Photos of your work so that people can understand your quality. Indeed, it is a profitable small business idea in Bangladesh.

Car Wash Business
In foreign countries, it is a profitable business and Bangladesh too. This is a suitable Business idea for Bangladeshi Students.

Rent wedding dresses
This looks funny but surely you can earn lots of money. Renting wedding dresses is a good option to start while you are doing another business. You can take it as a part-time business also. Make online advertising to do get more customers.

Security Service Company
Many house owners and small companies are looking for a security service. In Bangladesh, there have few companies who are providing these types of business. You can start this business in a very comfortable way.

Artificial Tree and Flower Making Business
Though, this is machine depended business but a very professional business idea. The demand for an artificial tree, flowers are increasing day by day. They are used in-house designing. The startup cost is high but whenever you start no one can stop you.

Invest in IPO
Investing in IPO (Initial Public Offering) business is completely risk-free income source. You can apply for IPO for and if you are lucky then you get good profit by winning IPO Share.

Invest in Secondary Share Market in Bangladesh
In general, Share Market in Bangladesh is two types. One is risk-free but limited earning is called IPO. The next one is the secondary market where have risks but if you are an expert then you can earn a lot of money.
