Author Topic: 4 Top Feasible Business Startup Ideas for 2019 in the Technology Sector  (Read 1744 times)


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4 Top Feasible Business Startup Ideas for 2019 in the Technology Sector

While planning to start a new business, it is essential for the entrepreneurs to have the best startup ideas in mind to bring into practice. There are a lot of such ideas, but all of them may not be practical in everyone’s case. The trend now while considering the young entrepreneurs is that they tend to follow their dreams and go with their passion over money. They look around for all possible unconventional startup business ideas which may fulfill their passion and also bring in a lot of potential to grow. They don’t want to retire in their 50s but instead seek for a happier life index to enjoy than earning a huge salary.When the need is to enjoy a higher quality of life from what they run, new and innovative business ideas too come into the picture for startup businesses than the conventional few. In fact, it is much easier now to start a new business and bring the ideas into practice. In this article, we are discussing a few startup business ideas, which have the scope to flourish over time based on the changing industry requirements. Moreover, many of the technology companies and IT firms too rely upon such business ideas.

#1. SMM (social media marketing management)
Social media is now largely used by businesses as a mode of marketing as well to get the business deals done. Like web pages, social media has also now become a reliable and instant mode of business communication. This set opens a new business idea for startup ventures. As the companies don’t have enough time and resources to manage their social media profiles, you can think of social media management consulting as a lucrative business.However, this has to be handled carefully like any other marketing tasks, and it is important to master the art of social media management to do it to the best benefits of your clients. If used properly, social media management can add real value local business and also generate proverbial revenue.

#2. Database management services (DBMS)
The needs in database management are constantly evolving, and with the advancements in Business Intelligence and Big Data, data has become an essential asset of organizations as like any physical or intellectual assets. Along with Big Data, flexible and scalable databases are also evolving. From a business point of, available Database as a service is a trending approach now, which can be effectively leveraged as a successful small business idea.If you are a database administrator or can hire a group of expert DBAs, then the database management system (DBMS) consulting can be established. The database is the primary system or software which is used to gather data from various sources, create, and manage databases. DBMS solutions provide the users and developers a systematic approach to gather data, store it, retrieve it, manage, and manipulate based on the business needs.As specifies, DBMS services act as a middleman between the stored database and the end user to ensure that data is properly structured and easily accessible anytime. Planning and designing huge database systems and proper upkeep or data, ensuring data security, and update data management practices are the roles of database management services. If you are serious about database management services as a business idea, let’s explore the popular database management systems also:Relational database management system (RDBMS) – This is long existing and adaptable to most of the existing use cases. However, the Tier-1 solutions in relational management systems can be expensive.

NoSQL databases – These new generation database management systems are ideal for the modern-day data which is loosely defined, which is expected to further evolve in the coming years.

In-memory DBMS – This feature quicker responses and higher performance in terms of data management and retrieval.

Columnar DBMS – Best suited for the big data warehouses, which need to store a huge number of similar data types.

Cloud-based DBMS – Providing database management as a service where the cloud service provider may be responsible for the upkeep of the DBMS.On thinking of database management as a service, the baseline requirement is efficient handlers to balance different applications on same data, the capacity to quickly recover from errors or crashes, capabilities of data integrity, auditing and logging activities, and a uniform data administration procedure, etc.

#3. Websites flipping
Compared to the above, which are actually providing solid user services, website flipping is not a full-fledged business ideal, but an ideal move if you are smart enough to earn some quick cash. All that a website flipper does is to buy and sell websites on the existing platforms. This freelance business idea requires a lot of research and market trends, but if you master the art of doing this, it will turn out to be a direct way to earn more money. There are a lot of websites too which are dedicated for flipping.If you are thinking of taking it as a serious engagement, then one can participate in the auction domains or try to sell the entire websites. You can use the platforms like ‘’ or ‘,’ which can be used to buy or sell the website domains or full-featured websites. If handled well with proper insight, website flipping can prove out to be a good business startup idea for online business ventures.

#4. Web Development and SEO
With the launch of many innovative technologies, 2019 will prove out to be a successful year for the web development service providers. Considering the current market trends and business needs, web development and concepts like search engine optimization will reach its peak potential in the coming years. However, this is a fast-changing cranny, so the requirement for web development or SEO is not a one-time need, which makes it an ideal lucrative business service for startups to establish if they get a few good loyal clients. Considering the evolvement of IoT and business analytics requirement, it is essential for the business website owners to make their websites compliant to be integrated with the needs of these new generation technologies to leverage its benefits. Also, with more than 200 algorithmic classification factors deciding the search engine ranking of a website, SEO is a highly competitive area for you to gain expertise in and offer to consult.All the above-mentioned startup ideas have a good potential to grab a solid position in the technology market as internet users across the globe are rapidly increasing. However, you need to do a thorough study and seek for proper guidance to identify which will work the best in your case with the kind of resources and expertise you have in hand. Wishing you the very best in entrepreneurship.
